space space


Jahr:1997Bild von 'Politika'
Autor/in:Tom Clancy
Verlag:Red Storm Entertainment
Status:Produktion eingestellt
Anzahl Spieler:2-8
Altersgruppe:ab 12 Jahre
Hintergrund:modern Russia
Englische Rezensionen:EFUN, EZ
Beschreibung:Politika is a game of strategy and negotiation for two to eigth players. Each player represents a faction vying for political control of modern-day Russia after the death of President Yeltsin. The goal of the game is to accumulate more influence - the support ot the people and major institutions - than any other player after a specified numer of rounds.

Influence is measured in influence tokens. Each of the 23 regions on the game board holds three tokens. Each player begins the game with an equal numer of tokens randomly placed on the board. Over the course of the game, players attempt to remove the tokens of other factions and replace them with their own.

Game play normally lasts six rounds. At the end of the final round, players count their tokens. The player with the greatest numer of tokens is declared the winner of the game and in control of the future of Russia.
Material:game board, 8 dice, pack of money, 64 action cards, 30 production cards, 3 uprising pieces, 24 event cards, 8 faction cards, 400 influence tokens, 16 representatives.
Bild von 'Politika'
Letzte Änderung:26.04.12

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